HIGH SCHOOL GRADS Congratulations to our students who have successfully completed their high school graduation. Unfortunately, some of our grads do not have their photo included here due to the loss of many pictures in a computer malfunction years ago… Adelaine Adelta Adolph Alexandra Anatide Angelene Angeline Athenise Auguste Benet Brunel Brunie Camiose Carline Carline Cassamilia Chella Claudine Claunise Clenie Delis Dieugrand Doudeline Dugue Ednie Edwige Edwina Elanie Elorge Emania Fatia Fermancia Frandzy Fresly Gabriel Gaby Gasnel Gertrude Gissenie Herline Inea Irelande Isaac Jameslo Jean Ricot Jean Woody Jessido Jesumene Jhonson JohnStevenson Junior Katia Karl Hendy Kerby Ketteline Kinston Louisemine Lusno Macline Marc-arrios Marieline Marie Tonnie Marilene Marlene Marita Marguerite Markensy Marrick Micheline Mildrede Milford Mirlene Monise Myriame Myrlande Nicolly Norceline Orina Paudeline Pavlene Penchana Plenitude Raymondson Renitha Rosa Evenia Rose Guarlende Rose Magda Alina Rose Myrlove Sabine Sherlynne Solange Talien Tamara Tchawens Tony Valancia Viola Wanchine Weby Schneider Widelaine Wilbrode Wilnise Wilnise Youseline